Kelsea Ventures

Business & Content Strategy For Creatives

Kelsea Ventures

Business & Content Strategy For Creatives

Blogger Resources

by | Mar 12, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Welcome to the section of my website where I tell you how to spend your money!

I’m just kidding (sort of), but what I do want to do in this section is provide you a curated list of everything I use and recommend using to build your online business.

These are the items that I personally use to run my business as a full time imperfect lifestyle blogger. So, if you’re serious about growing your tribe, growing your influence and growing your business, these are the tools that were crucial to getting me to where I am today!

Where is that you might ask? Well, I’m a full time blogger building my first home while keeping my eye out for flights so I can continue seeing the world.  I have the flexibility to live a life that is spontaneous, adventurous and best of all, it allows me to focus on building the best future I can for my family.

Now, to keep everything on the up-and-up, I do want to put my affiliate disclosure right here at the top.

Links below may be affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you.  With that being said, I only recommend products that I have had positive experience with. I’m recommending these companies because they truly have been instrumental in growing my business.  Thank you in advance if you decide to purchase through my links, the small commission that I get from these great companies is truly helpful in growing my business to bring you more content.  Also! Please don’t spend money you don’t have, and also only buy products that you believe will benefit you!



Siteground – Having a website makes a lot of sense if you want to start any sort of online business (and if you want to get started blogging, it’s a must). To start a website you’ll need to have hosting, and Siteground is an awesome host. A lot of bloggers recommend Bluehost, but I’m going to caution you against using their services. Yes, they are slightly cheaper (less than a dollar a month), but they also have uptime issues, and the support is less than ideal. I paid extra for backups and when my site was hacked they told me they had lost my backup so I’d have to start from scratch. That was the last straw for me… I switched to Siteground and haven’t been happier. Also, if you’re interested in starting a blog or any website for that matter, you can check out my post How To Start A Blog where I teach you how to set up hosting.

Elegant Themes– Arguably one of the best theme creators on the internet to date, Elegant Themes provides several WordPress themes and plugins for one price.  I paid for the Lifetime membership personally because I don’t see myself ever using another theme creator.  My favorite part of Elegant Themes is that they have drag and drop technology, which even means someone super tech illiterate can build gorgeous custom web pages.

Long Tail Pro:  This magical tool can help you find the perfect keywords to write about to increase your blog traffic.  You can get 30% by clicking the link just for my readers here!

Email Marketing

Convert KitConvertKit is my number one recommendation for email list management. ConvertKit is unique in that it allows you to segment your subscribers into groups by “tags”.  So, for instance, you can “tag” someone as “foodie” and “traveler” and another as “foodie” and “beauty” and any emails marked as “foodie” will go to both, where as “traveler” and “beauty” will only go to the individual. As you can image this allows you to super target your readers and send them only things they’re interested in. So for that reason I highly recommend using ConvertKit for your email list building. I use ConvertKit exclusively.

Social Media

Tailwind: I use Tailwind to schedule all of my Pinterest Pins.

IFTTT – I use IFTTT to create “recipes” to automate tasks between two or more apps. So for instance, you can connect your social media profiles and if you post on one, that post can trigger something to happen on another.

Content Ideas:

Pocket – You might have heard of pocket before, but it’s basically a place to store articles you’ve found to one place to be read later. I don’t use Pocket much, but it’s free so it won’t hurt trying it to see if it works for you.  If does what it says it does really well, and I know a lot of people find it to be very useful.

Feedly – Feedly is a free platform that let’s you keep track of various RSS feeds in order to see what’s trendy and what competitors are writing about.

Creating Courses:

Teachable-As someone who has run courses on my own, and using various platforms, I can highly recommend Teachable.  It’s an amazing tool for building your online course quickly and easily.Since selling your own products is one of the most lucrative investments on the internet, this is definitely a platform to look into.

Money, Money, Money:

Everyone wants to be successful when they take on a project like starting a blog.  But a key to that is knowing your finances and how your site is actually doing.  The first couple of months you will probably spend more money than you’ll make.  But keep track of that and know where you stand.  These are some of the resources I suggest you look into to keep yourself on the right path financially.

Wave Apps – This is one of my favorite ways to keep track of my money flow.  It’s a free app that you can hook all your accounts to and it integrates with other accounting programs for tax purposes.

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