Kelsea Ventures

Business & Content Strategy For Creatives

Kelsea Ventures

Business & Content Strategy For Creatives

100 Life Goals

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

This time of the year always gets me thinking about the things I want to accomplish for the upcoming year and where I want to be in the next five or ten years. But, this year I’ve also caught myself thinking about my life goals and perhaps setting some. 

Why? Because too many times I’ve found myself setting up for the next career goal in a year or the next weight loss goal, without remembering all the small things I want to do in life. Like paint a picture that I’m proud to hang up.

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There are so many little things like this that I want to achieve, but they never make it onto my yearly “goal list”. So, this year I wanted to write down all the little things, all the things that I always put off until “tomorrow” in pursuit of living.

So why should you join me? Making a list of 100 things you want to do in life will help you focus in on things that are important to you in the bigger picture of life.  I don’t think any of us want to get to the end of our lives and look back and say “Hey, I bought a house, but I never followed my dreams took painting lessons” or “Hey I became CEO, but I never traveled the world like I always wanted to”…

Today I’m going to take you through the process of setting your own life goals and also challenge you to actually do it!

When I set up my 100 life goals, I found that the best way to do it was to break my list up into categories. When I set yearly goals I like to use the Zig Ziglar wheel of life categories, which include:

  • Personal & Social
  • Work & Career
  • Family
  • Spiritual
  • Financial
  • Mind/Intellect
  • Physical/Health

If you’re setting yearly goals, I highly recommend giving those a try. 

BUT for the 100 life goals, I felt like I needed to go into dream mode a bit more.  So instead I used the following categories:

  • Fitness & Health
  • Finance
  • Experience
  • Charity
  • Knowledge
  • Spiritual
  • Career
  • Family & Social
  • Travel & Adventure
  • Creative


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A lot of these categories are the traditional categories that other people use when defining their 100 life goals so they are pretty safe bets to use. 

However, you can add other categories or delete categories as you see fit. 

Perhaps you might add Quality Of Life to represent where you want to live or how you see yourself living. 

Some other categories you might consider adding might be Parenting, Emotional/Mental Health, or Personal Character.  

You can really have as many or few categories as you’d like, but it’s easier to break down your life goals if you have at least 5 categories.

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Curious how this should all work out?

Here’s a list of 100 popular life goals broken down by the before mentioned categories.

Fitness & Health

  1. Do Yoga for 60 Days In A Row
  2. Give Up Coffee For A Year
  3. Complete A Tough Mudder
  4. Give Up Sugar For A Year
  5. Complete A Cleanse
  6. Run A 10K
  7. Cut Out Any Non-Water Beverage For A Month
  8. Be A Vegan For A Year
  9. Cut Out Fast Food For One Year
  10. Get A Six Pack


  1. Make A 10K Investment
  2. Save a 10K Emergency Fund
  3. Have No Personal Debt
  4. Build A Six Figure Business
  5. Have A Credit Score Above 720
  6. Create Multiple Streams Of Income
  7. Become A Millionaire By 30
  8. Purchase A Rental Property In Cash
  9. Purchase A Vacation Home In Cash
  10. Earn 50K Gross A Year


  1. Go Skydiving
  2. Live Abroad For A Year
  3. Meet My Favorite Authors
  4. Vlog My Life For A Year
  5. Meditate With A Monk
  6. Go On A Mission Trip
  7. Go Scuba Diving
  8. Meet Oprah
  9. Attend Mardi Gras
  10. Live One Month Without Technology
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  1. Sponsor Someone Through College
  2. Volunteer At A Clinic
  3. Help A Family In Need
  4. Spend 30 Days Helping Others
  5. Buy A House For A Single Mom With Kids
  6. Create My Own Foundation
  7. Rally 1000 people For A Cause
  8. Make 100 Donations In A Year
  9. Help Build A School In A Developing Country
  10. Physically Volunteer To Help Dig Wells In A Developing Country

Knowledge/Skill Set

  1. Graduate From University
  2. Learn How To Speak Fluent Spanish
  3. Become A Graphic Designer
  4. Become A Professional Photographer
  5. Learn How To Dye Fabric
  6. Become An Award Winning Winemaker
  7. Learn Fluent French
  8. Learn How To Code A Website
  9. Learn How To Make Latte Art
  10. Learn How To Bake
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  1. Mediate With A Monk
  2. Read the Bible In A Year
  3. Go On A One Month Spiritual Retreat
  4. Meditate Every Day For A Year
  5. Pray Every Day For A Year
  6. Visit The Paro Monastery
  7. Do A Solo Trip Into The Mountains
  8. Learn Enough Wilderness Survival To Go Camping Without Modern Conveniences
  9. Practice Positive Self-talk For 3 Months
  10. Manifest Something


  1. Launch A Company
  2. Generate 100,000 In One Year
  3. Develop A Product That Makes Over One Million In Sales Every Year
  4. Work For Google
  5. Get A Job That Allows Me to Travel
  6. Make Money As An Influencer
  7. Become A Team Leader
  8. Write A Book
  9. Get My First Job After Graduating
  10. Make Passive Income With A Business

Family & Social

  1. Take My Parents On A Trip Abroad
  2. Be Home For Christmas With My Family Every Year
  3. Be In A Long-term Loving Relationship
  4. Travel The World With My Sisters
  5. Take My Brother To Greece
  6. Pay For My Niece To Go To College
  7. Pay Off My Mom’s Debt So My She Can Retire
  8. Buy My Parents A House
  9. Travel The World With A Friend
  10. Take My Parents Out To Dinner Spontaneously
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Travel & Adventure

  1. Backpack Across Europe
  2. See The Pyramids
  3. Compete In An Adventure Race
  4. See The Mayan Ruins
  5. Eat Dinner In The Eiffel Tower In Paris
  6. Backpack Through New Zealand
  7. Fly First Class Someone Internationally
  8. Sail To A Destination In A Small Craft
  9. Learn How To Kayak
  10. Raft The Grand Canyon


  1. Paint A Picture I’m Proud To Hang In My House
  2. Make A Short Film And Publish It To Youtube
  3. Compose And Record A Song
  4. Write A Song For Someone You Love
  5. Learn To Play The Guitar
  6. Take Ballroom Dance Instruction For Three Months
  7. Create A Coloring Book
  8. Perform On Stage
  9. Learn To Draw A Human Face
  10. Learn How To Burn Wood


There you have it!

Hopefully you’re inspired to go make your own list of 100 things you want to do in this life!

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